कटते हुए पतंग ने मांझें से पूछा
उलझा तो तू, पर मैं क्यों कटा
मेरी क्या गलती थी
मैंने क्या था किया
मेरा क्या होगा, क्या तूने कभी है सोचा
मांझे ने बोला
आसमां में उड़ने की
चाहत तेरी थी
बादलों में तू बसना चाहता था
रिश्ते तूने जोड़े थे
अगर मैंने तोड़ दिया
तो इसमें मेरी क्या भूल
न तो तूने मेरी फितरत को जाना
न ही पूछी मेरी मर्जी
आज मुझे अनजाना क्यों कह रहा है
जब तूने कभी था ही नहीं पहचाना
खुदको कहकर भोला
तू क्या जताना चाहता है
मुझ पर उठाकर उंगली
क्या बताना चाहता है
क्या हुआ है
क्या हुआ था
ये तुझे भी है पता...
मैं तो सिर्फ एक धागा हूं
ख्वाब तो तू बुन रहा था
गलती किसकी है...
अब तू बता
Because I know that time is always time
And place is always and only place
And what is actual is actual only for one time
and only for one place
I rejoice things as they are and
I renounce the blessed and engraved face
And renounce the voice
Because I cannot hope to turn again
Consequently I rejoice, having to construct something
Upon which to rejoice
And pray to God to have mercy upon us
And pray that I may forget
These matters that with myself I too much discuss
Too much explain
Because I do not hope to turn again
Let these words answer
For what is done, not to be done again
May the judgement not be too heavy upon us.
Not my lines, but my favorite poet's. Just thought I should put it up, and that's why they are here
Every morning
when the rude sun
creeps in through the blinds,
and intrudes into my dream...
I open my eyes, and think...
I am Blessed
Every evening
as I stagger in
The soft light of the street lamp
rushes in through the window
and lulls me to sleep.
As I close my eyes, I think...
I am Cursed
चेहरों पर चेहरे चिपकाएं घूमते है
जिस्म की बिसात पर
रिश्तों का खेल खेलते है
बेडरूम के बंद दरवाज़े को
जरा गौ़र से देखो
उतारे हुए कपड़ो के साथ
आत्मा भी लटकी है
चादरों के रेशमी तागों में
जिंदगी अटकी है
बिस्तर पर हर रात
एक नई चाल चलते है
चेहरों पर चेहरे चिपकाएं घूमते है
मुंह से निकलते धुएं को
ज़रा गौ़र से देखो
उस धुंधली सी धुंध में
कुछ सपने तर्श है
छल के इस महल में
न तो छत है,न ही फर्श है
रिश्तों के अलाव पर
सिगरेट जलते है
चेहरों पर चेहरे चिपकाएं घूमते है
After Dheeraj's post I don't think I have much to add. Instead, I'll try and put a personal perspective to the whole film.
There are two kinds of students in a college. Those who have heard about politics, and choose to ignore it. And then there are others, who get seduced, and choose to play a part. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I belong(ed) to the latter.
Nothing intoxicates like Power. And like every addiction, at times, it overpowers you... and that is what Gulal is about. Like the protagonist Dilip, I too came to 'study'... and my initiation to the Hostel was, too, in a similar fashion (Sadly, no Anuja/Jesse Randhawa!) And then there's 'brainwash' albeit in a more conventional manner...
Identities are imposed
Loyalties are decided.
Dreams are dreamt.
And there you are... ready to face the big bad world, with a new sense of being... a new found illusion of invincibility. Like Rananjay, you often think, that you can take on the world on your own, just to realise that politics is more about connections and collaborations. And you begin your life afresh. You become friends with people who have what you don't... you try and find a Duk(h)i Bana.
With great power comes great responsibility... the responsibility to organise a fest. The responsibility to fulfill the ambitions of your friends... your core group.
And with power, you suddenly become desirable too. Every Dilip finds a Kiran. And every Kiran wants a Dilip.
You also find a sense of security... a sense of being complete... a sense of being YOU. Like Dilip, you have a chip on your shoulder. You have to bring about a change. Change for a Change.
But politics is not about change, it is about status quo, and this is what you fail to realise. The protagonist doesn't fail himself, nor is he a victim of circumstances... it's just destiny... Yes, it is.